Fullstack Developer

This is my showcase of projects i have contributed to


I had the opportunity to work on Kontrapunkt, my focus was on website styling and resolve minor changes. It was an incredibly enlightening experience, and I gained valuable knowledge from it. My main objective was to ensure that all aspects of the website aligned with the client's needs and requirements.



Hovly Ravioli

Holy Ravioli

Working under Daniel's guidance, I also contributed to the Holy Ravioli website by focusing on website styling. Our goal was to meet the client's needs, ensuring that everything we created aligned with their requirements.



I also contributed to the Solarlab project with Daniel as my boss. My assigned tasks revolved around minor changes around the website. again, we ensured that all deliverables were tailored to their specific requirements.

Node.js Express Documentation


Explore Node.js Express documentation website with insights on REST API functions, SSR vs CSR, and comprehensive code examples for each topic.

QuitSmarter Applikation


QuitSmarter app helps you track your savings since quitting smoking and offers live chat with other users for support and motivation.